Hi there, I'm Jesse

Jesse Rogers.

I'm a developer who enjoys all things tech! I love learning as a whole - whether it be on my own or with a team.

While I'm not coding, you'll probably find me somewhere on the web, out enjoying nature, or reading a good book.


Looking at a forum thread on FinalForum.


A mock forum site tailored to my current company. Includes many standard forum features with role-based permissions.

Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL

Browsing reviews on the Review App.

Review App

An application focused on writing reviews. After being given a title, rating, and/or description, reviews are saved to the user's account.

React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL

Editing a recipe in the Meal Planner.

Meal Planner

A tool where recipes can be created and selected. Chosen recipes then generate a list of required ingredients.
